HomeWerks Home Care was started by the founders to be a different kind of home care agency, in order to distinguish it from other current home care providers in the Wilmington, NC area. Once you contact HomeWerks Home Care for providing home care services, a consistent process is followed to customize services for your individual needs.
Upon receiving an inquiry for services, a HomeWerks Home Care Nursing Coordinator is sent to the residence of the person in need of care, on an appointment basis. The appointment is set at a time convenient for you, your family and other interested parties. We highly recommend that all interested parties be at the initial meeting, so that everyone can be on the same page with regard to the care being arranged.
During this initial meeting, an assessment is done to identify your needs, requirements, and overall home-situation. The Coordinator will explain HomeWerks Home Care’s in-home care services and suggest the level of service deemed most appropriate. Most often the discussion leads to a mutually acceptable Plan of Care.
The Plan of Care is a document outlining the specific care services, schedules, client preferences, and special instructions, which HomeWerks Home Care employs to achieve your satisfaction. As your situation changes, the Plan of Care is modified to reflect those changing needs. It provides a central focus to all parties involved with your care.
Once the Plan of Care is accepted and a service agreement is completed, we will strive to match you or your family member with just the right caregiver(s) based upon level of care needed, expertise, skills, personalities and interests.
After the caregiver has been placed in the home, a HomeWerks Home Care Nursing Coordinator will continue to make regular visits and telephone check-ins to you and your assigned caregiver to confirm that the care services delivered exceed your expectations. In addition, a daily Care Log is kept by the caregiver for the family’s review. The Care Log allows you to see what was done when, where and how during the caregivers stay. In addition, Paula Werk, the President of HomeWerks Home Care, will personally be in close contact on a continual basis with the person in need of care, and his or her family members, to ensure that the highest possible quality home care services are being provided.