The HomeWerks Home Care Difference

What services does HomeWerks Home Care provide?

HomeWerks provides caregivers who will assist with activities of daily

living (ADL’s) such as bathing, dressing, eating and toileting for those in

need of assistance who live in their own homes. !ese services enable

seniors and those who may be su"ering from chronic or acute disabilities

to safely and comfortably remain in their homes. !ere are two levels of

care provided: 1) a lower-level care for people who are independent when

performing their ADLs but are seeking some companionship and 2) a

higher-level, hands-on approach in which people have more demanding

needs and require tangible care provided by a licensed certi#ed nursing

assistant (CNA). Generally, home care is considered a non-medical ser-

vice since a registered nurse isn’t provided and therefore is di"erent from

medical home health care, in which an actual nurse can complete such

tasks as wound care and administering IV’s.

What are the benefits of home care?

Besides allowing people in need to stay in their residences (which most

people want to do as they age), hundreds of studies have shown that home

care is playing an integral and signifcant part to help bring overall medical

costs down. Documented clinical data has shown a reduction in initial

costs by allowing care to be provided in a home at a fraction of the cost of

an institutional setting, such as in a hospital or nursing home. For those

receiving home care services, any arising health issues and ailments are

able to be identifed at an earlier and more proactive stage and treated

accordingly. !is reduces and/or prevents admissions to hospitals, nursing

homes, and the need for more intensive treatment and supplemental


Why use an agency instead of hiring a caregiver directly?

A licensed agency ensures that the company’s care policies and procedures

have been reviewed and approved by the state health board(s) and that

their caregivers are appropriately hired and trained. Going through

an agency assures that the caregiver has been vetted with appropriate

background and reference checks. Agencies like HomeWerks Home Care

have Worker’s Compensation and Liability Insurance policies so you don’t

have to worry about such risks. With a licensed company, you also have

qualifed replacements should an aide be unavailable, along with sta"

management and oversight to respond to unplanned situations.

How is HomeWerks Home Care different from other

home care companies?

HomeWerks Home Care is not a franchise home care agency. We are a

locally founded, family-owned home care agency created solely to provide

each of our clients in the Wilmington area the most personalized home

care services based upon his or her limitations and needs. When using

a caregiver from HomeWerks Home Care, you can be assured that the

caregiver will deliver care based upon how YOU, the client, wants it, not

based upon a large company’s requirements.

Given our customized approach, HomeWerks Home Care will make every

effort to match the caregivers to the client, with respect to needs, skills

#t, interests, demographic and cultural factors. HomeWerks Home Care

would rather invest in our most important resource — our caregivers.

Even though our service rates are very competitive, we pay our caregivers

a signifcantly higher average pay rate compared to most other agencies.

!is fosters motivated caregivers and less employee turnover (and more

intimate, long-term relationships between caregiver and client).

If you have long-term care insurance, HomeWerks Home Care is approved

and certi#ed by most insurance companies to provide services whose costs

may be reimbursed back to you.

Our agency is all about quality not quantity. It may sound like a cliché, but

we don’t want to be the biggest agency, but rather have the absolute best

reputation in providing high quality services to a select group of clients.

We will not take on new clients unless we are con#dent that we can provide

new care services that continue to meet our high quality standards.


The Importance of Advanced Care Planning


Homewerks Featured in Wilmington Magazine