The Importance of Advanced Care Planning

For those of us who work in the home care field, we definitely see a strong

seasonal increase in the need for services in the first few months of the new

year. This is because when families get together over the holidays, family

members often are surprised at how other (typically elderly parents) have

unfortunately changed with regard to their ability to live independently in

a quality manner.

At that point, families that lack a previously prepared plan of what to do

in this situation, are caught in a “scramble mode” to quickly identify and

provide additional assistance to the affected family member. Considering

this, it is very important for loved ones to proactively initiate and complete

conversations with one another that define the type of care one needs as

they age or encounter a health issue.

This process is formally called Advanced Care Planning and allows one to

make current and future health care wishes known, and to assign someone

trusted to make medical decisions for them if they, due to a disability

or advanced age, are not able. While this process can be easy to put off

and uncomfortable to discuss with loved ones, it has many benefits like

allowing one to have a voice in their medical care when they can’t speak

for themselves, and freeing family members of uncertainty and conflict

regarding medical care decisions.

Advanced Care Planning clearly outlines the type of care a loved one wants

based upon changing needs and settings. For example, it would define

that the person wants to stay in his or her residence until death (with the

assistance of caregivers from a home care agency such as HomeWerks

Home Care) versus being admitted to a nursing home or assisted living

facility once the person reaches a certain point such as limited mobility or

mental function.

The process includes the completion of very important documents such as

a DNR (Do-Not Resuscitate form), Living Will and HCPOA (Healthcare

Power of Attorney form). It is imperative that every individual 50 years of

age or older have these forms completed and shared with loved ones.

Not completing Advanced Care Planning is ironically the reason why

HomeWerks Home Care LLC exists in the first place. Paula and I had a

distant relative who lived in Durham, NC and regretfully did not complete

an Advanced Care Planning process. He became disabled and did not have

any other close family members.

Paula unexpectedly became his health care power of attorney and for 10

years oversaw and directed his health care needs and decisions. It was

from this experience that we saw the need for a different type of agency

to provide home care services in the Raleigh and Wilmington areas. This

led us to start HomeWerks Home Care LLC in 2010, which is committed

to providing high quality services customized and tailored for each client.

Home Care & Advanced Care Planning

From operating this business for over 10 years, we have found that most

people (including Paula and I) want to stay in their own homes as they age.

At some point, though, this will likely require the assistance of in-home


For someone who has completed Advanced Care Planning and is selecting

a suitable home care provider, it is very important to ask lots and lots of

questions. We actually hand out to potential clients a list of questions to

ask, like: How do you match caregivers to clients? How do you screen and

hire your caregivers? How do you maintain quality standards as needs

change and keep family members informed?

As part of the Advanced Care Planning process, deciding to initiate home

care services is an important, and often daunting, decision. People seek

home care for many reasons, including short-term help following an

illness or hospitalization, or long-term when the condition is progressive

such as dementia, Parkinson Disease, or cancer. Care is also often sought

to give “respite time” to the existing primary caregiver.

Family caregivers often cannot sustain it for long without negative

repercussions to their own health and well-being. Waiting too long

is human nature, as is denial on the part of the older adult and family

members. Be honest with yourself if you are the primary caregiver: Will

help make things easier? Can you truly provide the best care if you want

to keep the person at home? While acknowledging it is an adjustment to

have a new person in the home, the initiation of home care services can

bring immense improvement in the quality of life to not only the patient,

but also to the family and current primary caregiver(s).

With our roots in Wilmington, Paula and I are excited to be introducing

our company in this community and offering our unique care services to

the residents of Landfall, Wrightsville Beach and the surrounding area.

Please give us a call if you have questions about advanced care planning,

how home care services work and the types of services we offer. We’d be

happy to discuss this with you.


The HomeWerks Home Care Difference